AEM in Debug Mode

To start the AEM in debug mode, start the server with the below command

java -jar aem-author-p4502.jar -debug 45024

  • -debug is used to start the server in the debug mode 
  • 40524 is the debug port
Once the server is up and running, Configure the debug configurations in your IDE (Eclipse, etc..)

For Eclipse:
  • Click on Debug Configurations from the Debug Menu
  • Create a new "Remote Java Application"
  • Enter the details as below:
           Name: sampleproject
           Project: sampleproject.core
           Host: localhost
           Port: 45024 (Same port as the AEM instance has run on the debug mode)
  • Apply the changes and Click on Debug

Once the above configurations are completed, add a break point in any service/model/utility class.

when we try to refresh the page where the respective service is being called, Debug mode will be started/triggered in eclipse.

Congratulations on starting your AEM instance in Debug mode. Happy Debugging!!!


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