AEM - Few Important Information for debugging

Compiled Class path before AEM 6 is available in the crx console


Compiled Class path from AEM 6.1 is available in the installation directory of AEM


Extract log statements in b/w a specific time frame:

awk '/^01.08.2018 00:07:23.002*/,/01.08.2018 00:09:09.345*/' error.log > /tmp/error_aug1_period.log

Create a custom logger from crx/de 

To configure a custom log file, perform these steps. 

1. In CRXDE Lite, select /apps/logsample/

2. Create a node with below configurations:

     Type - sling:OsgiConfig
     Name -
3. Add the following properties to this node: (String) - logs/logsample-model.log (specifies the location of the custom log file) (String) – debug (String[]) - com.aem.logsample.core.models (specifies the Java package whose classes writes to this log file) (String) - {0,date,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} {4} [{3}] {5}

4. CLick Save.

How to know the size of the dam folders or any other content directory in the repository


Change the path to the required directory and it should provide the size of the respective directory.

Disk usage issues:

Repository Corruption issues


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